Tuesday 29 April 2014

Experiencing the Cape Flats Nature Reserve

The Cape Flats Nature Reserve located on the UWC premises is an area of land which protects the natural biodiversity of the area. It is home to many flora and fauna species. For the practical we were allowed to experience the reserve and its animal and plant life. We were required to explore the area and complete a task which tested our knowledge on the flora and fauna. The task was relatively simple to complete as we were given identification sheets which aided us greatly. The practical was fun as we worked in groups and were allowed the opportunity to explore. It was enjoyable to be outdoors; although it was relatively hot and tiring. My team worked well as a unit as we were determined to complete the task in good time. It was interesting to see the various plant species as well as animal life. Previously, I had only seen the picture located on the gate of the reserve and was not aware of the size of the area or the diversity it housed. As a class we had all come prepared and were determined to beat the previous record. The downfall of the practical was that initially no one was certain regarding the location of our meting spot, but as we eventually found our way to the meeting spot the rest of the afternoon was thoroughly enjoyable.